Experimental Sandwich


Hailing from Middleport a small town in Western New York; Experimental Sandwich is a 6 piece original music act that fans say, Tastes so good. Experimental Sandwich is sure to grab your ear with their jam rock sound. With backgrounds stemming from folk music all the way to metal and bluegrass,right on into dubstep/techno. There music creates a one of a kind euphoric musical experience with something to offer for all ages and genres. Blazing harmonica and folk inspired rhythms make up the foundation of the band followed by very intense reggae inspired bass lines, rock drums and nasty blues leads. The DJ and sound fx are just the cherry on top. The band has often been compared to Blues Traveler with a dash of Sublime on the side slammed with some Bob Marley and finished off with there own original touch, all to make up the one the only EXPERIMENTAL SANDWICH.
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