Sil nest pas le seul, ADMIRAL T est le principal dfenseur de lascne reggae-dancehall antillaise auprs du grand public.Son exprience du ghetto a t synonyme de travail, combativit etprogression.Depuis ses dbuts prcoces et ses premiers sound systems, soncheminement est un mrissement personnel et artistique qui sinspiredes vibes des antilles : reggae, gwo ka , zouk, Soca, salsa, etc.
Il interprte en crole de thmes srieux et engags , il est devenu un artiste majeur, comparable, dans son propre style Kassav.Son rpertoire est aujourdhui lexpression et la vision dun jeuneartiste qui souhaite promouvoir tant la culture reggae quune riche identit crole.
ADMIRAL T is the primary, if not the only artist in the French Overseas departments, to defend the Reggae-dancehall scene to the general public.
Growing up in the ghetto has meant hardwork, struggling and constant progress.
Since his debuts and first concerts, he has developped a personal and artistic maturity
inspired from the musical Caribbean vibrations of reggae, gwo ka (the Antillean traditional drum), zouk, soca, salsa, etc...
He sings in Creole, French and English. His serious politically-conscious themes have made him a major artist, comparable, in his own style, to Kassav. His repertoire is the expression and the vision of a young artist willing to promote both the reggae culture and the rich creole identity.
Sil nest pas le seul, ADMIRAL T est le principal dfenseur de lascne reggae-dancehall antillaise auprs du grand public.Son exprience du ghetto a t synonyme de travail, combativit etprogression.Depuis ses dbuts prcoces et ses premiers sound systems, soncheminement est un mrissement personnel et artistique qui sinspiredes vibes des antilles : reggae, gwo ka , zouk, Soca, salsa, etc.
Il interprte en crole de thmes srieux et engags , il est devenu un artiste majeur, comparable, dans son propre style Kassav.Son rpertoire est aujourdhui lexpression et la vision dun jeuneartiste qui souhaite promouvoir tant la culture reggae quune riche identit crole.
ADMIRAL T is the primary, if not the only artist in the French Overseas departments, to defend the Reggae-dancehall scene to the general public.
Growing up in the ghetto has meant hardwork, struggling and constant progress.
Since his debuts and first concerts, he has developped a personal and artistic maturity
inspired from the musical Caribbean vibrations of reggae, gwo ka (the Antillean traditional drum), zouk, soca, salsa, etc...
He sings in Creole, French and English. His serious politically-conscious themes have made him a major artist, comparable, in his own style, to Kassav. His repertoire is the expression and the vision of a young artist willing to promote both the reggae culture and the rich creole identity.