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It does not matter whether you are an amateur gardener that would like to get more knowledge on gardening or you are just having problems with watering your garden recently, this post definitely gives you a hand on enhancing your gardening experience.

As you probably know, gardening is not simply drenching the lawn every evening, there are lots of other things that need to be considered, one of which is water related issues. Water volume needed not only depends on the types of plants are you planning, the soil of your garden, the climate of your living area but also the season, the sunlight and temperature of each day. In other words, your garden needs a different amount of water every day so it is extremely difficult to measure the necessary water amount by yourself. If you do not want to witness your plants become withered because of lacking water or wasting a huge amount of money on water bills, it is time that you need an integrated watering system.

After going through hundreds of top product reviews, we would like to recommend you 3 best integrated watering systems so you will not need to waste your time to find the best products on Google anymore.

1. Rachio 3

This third-generation Rachio smart watering system can control water in 16 zones of your garden. The system can detect the local weather and adjust its schedule as well as the amount of water needed accordingly. By this way, your garden will never be flooded while your plants will be nourished with the right amount of water they need. Rachio also provides a water flow meter that alerts when there is a signal of a pipe leak, preventing the waste of water. However, you have to pay extra around 50$ for it.

2. Orbit B-hyve

Orbit B-hyve is a top reviewed product on TheKingLive thanks to its capability and affordability; however, do not think that it misses out on features. Orbit B-hyve itself can control up to 12 zones. It can also adjust the amount of water to an appropriate level based on the type of plants and soil. Also, this system provides water based on the information given by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; therefore, if it is forecast to rain in your area, there will be no water.

3. Netro Smart Sprinkler Controller

This system is supposed to be the most suitable for garden amateurs as it is not only easy to operate but also takes only 15 minutes to be installed. Netros database contains more than 1000 species, so it does not matter what you plant, Netro can always give you its assistance. The system can control water for 6 zones of your garden, and it provides water based on the plants, zones, weather forecast and historical statistics.

The three mentioned watering systems are all Amazon products that earn thousands of Amazon customer reviews, so do not worry about its quality or function. If there is anything you should do, then it is to consider which one is fitter for you, your garden and your budget. Share this post if it does help. Also, comment to let us know what you would like to know more about, we will prepare our next article based on your preference.

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