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Root equations

An equation is called a root equation if the variable occurs in the radicand. When solving equations involving square roots - do my assignment , it is often possible to eliminate these roots by squaring once or several times. However, it is essential to check the result, as squaring is not an equivalent transformation.

Exponential equations, applications

A series of internal and external mathematical application tasks leads from solving exponential equations - homework help algebra . As examples, tasks are given for atmospheric air pressure and for the denaturing of a condenser or for the calculation of compound interest.

Example (compound interest calculation):

After how many years has a capital doubled if it is invested at a fixed rate of 3% and the interest is added to the capital annually?

This is a task for the compound interest calculation. The appropriate formula is:


Where K0 is the initial capital, n is the number of years, Kn is the capital after n years and q=1+p100 with the percentage (interest rate) p. The number of years n is required.

Exponential equations, solving

Exponential equations are those equations in which the unknown occurs in the exponent - . Exponential equations in which only powers with the same base occur or different bases can be traced back to the same base can be solved by applying the power laws or by logarithmisation.

1. solving exponential equations by calculation

Exponential equations in which only powers with the same base occur or different bases can be traced back to the same base can be solved by applying the power laws or by logarithmising.

Theorem: From ax=ay, a≠0, a≠1 follows x=y

2. solving exponential equations graphically

Some exponential equations can be solved approximately graphically. This is particularly useful if the variable does not only occur in the exponent, i.e. there is no pure exponential equation.

General procedure:

The equation is interpreted as the determination of the intersection of two function graphs.

Useful Resources:

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Transcendental equations


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